Located in germany We support students


Some 50,000 students from China are studying in Germany currently.

More than 400 state-recognised institutions of higher education can be found across Germany. Together, they offer some 20,000 different study programmes.

For international students Germany is an ideal place to study and to achieve a higher education. Studying in Germany is a great way to break into the international labor market. Germany’s higher education institutions are highly regarded globally and for companies, too. Beyond that Germany is a place of culture and art. As the world’s fourth biggest economy, international relations are also important. Some 10.6 million people from all over the world live in Germany. Cities and villages also offer a safe environment for foreign students .

Those who know their goal

will find the way.    



What makes Germany 

the best place to study at? 

German universities are free of tuition fees
German universities are ranked among the top world‘s best universities
Germany offers a variety of attractive international study programmes

You can get an outstanding education that will pave the way to your future career.

In addition to study courses in German language, there is the opportunity to enroll for study programmes held exclusively in English. Certainly mixed language courses on offer are available, too.  

Finally after you have finished your study successfully, there is the chance to find a job in Germany and to get a Green Card (unbefristeter Aufenthaltstitel) – if you like.